Totem Poles & other Large Art Creations

by Mike Olsen

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Commissioned Corporate Art

Mike has been chosen by a number of Corporations to provide work which reflects a Northwest Native Theme. One which allows many to visit and enjoy his work is the Heathman Lodge which has tens of thousands of visitors every year. Works at the Heathman Lodge include: 

A 28 foot totem pole which towers in the front of the Heathman Lodge. This totem pole makes a great statement about Northwest traditional art even before entering this Grand Lodge. lodgex800.jpg (59818 bytes)
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Wood and metal salmon sculpture in manager's office. steelsalmon-wood-bkgndx800.jpg (72892 bytes)
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This photo shows both the canoe pictured below and a large wood on wood wall hanging of salmon. This photo gives a better idea of the magnitude of the work. Canoe and Salmon Sculpture on wall.jpg (81081 bytes)
Wooden fish plaque from above in greater detail. Wooden Fish Plaque up close.jpg (69022 bytes)
16 foot dugout canoe alone in greater detail. canoe-800.jpg (42770 bytes)
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Pacific Northwest Best Fish (Robinson Cold Storage) Monument Sign PNW Best Fish Co.jpg (145811 bytes)
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Harmony Lake RV Park

Mike with Big Fish.jpg (109354 bytes)
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Copyright © 2007 Mike Olsen 360-686-3566