Totem Poles & other Large Art Creations

by Mike Olsen

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Totem Pole Art Work

totem from logo.jpg (83259 bytes)

Totem Pole at Portland Ford Show.jpg (147632 bytes)

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Totem from logo

Totem displayed at trade show

Totem-inspired mask

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Looking up Giant human figure with talking stick

Totem in House in Colorado.jpg (93838 bytes)

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Not all totem poles need to be outside. When space permits, totem poles may even be found inside, such as in this home in Colorado

Totem at Harmony Lake RV Park Artist with with finished totem pole

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Sun totem with raven

This totem is located at the Pacific NW Best Fish (Robinson Cold Storage)

Totem Hats located inside the Heathman Lodge

As a large part of Mike's work is Totem Poles, be sure to check out his work in progress section as well.


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Copyright © 2007 Mike Olsen 360-686-3566